2024 November Endorsement Process

Candidates who are registered Democrats as of the start of the filing period for the 2024 election are invited  to participate in a consent calendar screening interview, the first step in the endorsement process. Official Democratic Party endorsements will be made by the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee at our special endorsement meeting Saturday, September 14.

Below is a summary of our endorsement rules and procedures and key dates. A complete copy of our rules for endorsement (Central Committee Bylaws, Article VI) can be found at acdems.org/bylaws. Because of the large number of races on the ballot in November, we are convening a Screening Committee (Article VI, Sec. 8) to prepare a consent list of recommendations for endorsement.

Screening Committee interviews will be held via Zoom Friday, August 16 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Saturday, August 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Sunday, August 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Monday-Tuesday, August 19-20 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Additional interview times may be scheduled as needed. We attempt to schedule candidates for the same office on the same day and may request candidates forgo interviews in races where the Screening Committee determines a consent recommendation cannot be made. Any Democratic candidate may be considered for endorsement at our September 14 meeting.

In lieu of individual interviews with the Screening Committee, all Oakland City Council candidates are asked to participate in a public forum via Zoom on Thursday, August 22 between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m

If you are interested in seeking an endorsement, please complete our questionnaire at bit.ly/Nov2024Endorse with all information requested. We are also asking candidates to help offset the cost of our endorsement process with a contribution of $50; please send your check payable to ACDCC to the address below or donate online at secure.actblue.com/donate/acdpstate with campaign funds or at secure.actblue.com/donate/acdpfed with personal funds.

As the governing body of the Democratic Party in Alameda County, we are committed to electing Democratic candidates and to communicating our support for our endorsed candidates to Democrats all around the county. We look forward to your participation in our endorsement process.

Igor Tregub, Chair

• The Endorsement Meeting for this election will be held on Saturday, September 14

• The Alameda County Democratic Party (ACDP) only endorses Democrats; unless an extension is granted by the Chair, a candidate must have been a Democrat as of the opening of filing

• Candidates must certify having read the platform of the California Democratic Party as it relates to office sought and note any substantive disagreements

• The ACDP does not endorse more candidates than seats to be filled

• Candidates are placed on consent by two-thirds vote of the full membership of the Screening Committee

• To be considered for endorsement, a candidate must have been placed on consent or be nominated for endorsement by two members of the Central Committee

• Any five members of the Central Committee, including at least one member from an Assembly District overlaying the jurisdiction in which the candidate is running, may pull a candidate from consent

• Candidates must be nominated for endorsement or pulled from consent no later than seven days before the Endorsement Meeting

• Voting on candidates pulled from consent or nominated by members will occur at the Endorsement Meeting

• Endorsement is by 60% vote of the members present and voting at the Endorsement Meeting

NOTE: Our bylaws prohibit endorsement of candidates who have been found to have opposed LGBTQIA+ issues by our committee and those who have supported them with donations and or contributions on a date after this finding was made. An amendment to our bylaws passed 8/7/2024 allows for restoration of endorsement eligibility for candidates who have donated to or endorsed these candidates provided certain requirements are met.

Candidates found to have opposed LGBTQIA+ issues by our committee and the date of that finding are:
• Lily Mei on Oct. 14, 2021
• Joe Orlando Ramos on Sept. 6, 2023

Please reference our bylaws Article VI, Sec 3(d) for the latest amendments and requirements for endorsement eligibility restoration.

August 16, 19-20: Screening Committee Evening Interviews
6:30–9:30 pm      Via Zoom

August 17: Screening Committee Daytime Interviews
9:00 am–6:00 pm      Via Zoom

August 18: Screening Committee Daytime Interviews
10:00 am–6:00 pm      Via Zoom

August 22: Forum for Oakland City Council Candidates
6:00–9:00 pm      Via Zoom

September 4: ACDP Regular Meeting
7:00–9:00 pm      Teamsters 2010, 7730 Pardee Lane, Oakland/Via Zoom

September 14: ACDP Endorsement Meeting
9:00 am–5:00 pm      Teamsters 2010, 7730 Pardee Lane, Oakland/Via Zoom